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Bitcoin vs Economics

According to research institute monetary and university technology and finance of California-Irvine is also controversial for virtual currency Bitcoin, especially names, called How to right, in the name of it because every expert are one way to call this type of money: money digital (digital currency, digital cash), virtual money (virtual currency), electronic money (electronic currency), or pre-coding (cryptocurrency) ...
With the inventor of this currency is Satoshi Nakamoto, he called this money is electronic cash, cash understood in English Vodcast conventional money, it's like some kind of cash in the casino one convention its value through color identity, at the discretion of Satoshi it is kind of conventional electronic money only.
Bitcoin has 3 useful properties at it's "hard earned", "limited in the supply and release", "Easy verification ie when money conversion is right," according to the Economist January 2015. economists define money as commodity valuable, valuable exchange of other goods, because the goods should the money also at increased cost, and depreciated taking into account the conversion value for the currency other currencies ... and characteristics of money by the government of one country that's privileged producer, and Bitcoin is the opposite, it is due to one ordinary person to establish, Bitcoin almost meet all the criteria of money, especially it can split the smallest retail unit rotten old easy for shoppers to retail stores. Journalists, scholars also participate in debates so called Bitcoin is, one number in that debate revolves around real and virtual, so we distinguish, but for many people can trade Bitcoin directly through the QR code on smart phones (smartphones), they called Bitcoin is real money. The Wall Street Journal claims that Bitcoin commodities on 1 May 2013. Forbes journalist called collectible digital (digital collections), two scientists from the University of Amsterdam proposed terms collectively, the "money-like informational commodity" currencies as commodity information. Bitcoin currently being viewed as Gold 2.0 because of the nature of the currency following: Worthwhile, circulation, reserves, billing. 1 journalist Forbes called it a digital collectible (collection digital), two scientists from the University of Amsterdam proposed common term is "money-like informational commodity" currencies as commodity information. Bitcoin currently being viewed as Gold 2.0 because of the nature of the currency following: Worthwhile, circulation, reserves, billing. 1 journalist Forbes called it a digital collectible (collection digital), two scientists from the University of Amsterdam proposed common term is "money-like informational commodity" currencies as commodity information. Bitcoin currently being viewed as Gold 2.0 because of the nature of the currency following: Worthwhile, circulation, reserves, billing.
In addition, different currencies issued by governments, Bitcoin has added the following advantages:
  • No central bank: Avoid inflation when central banks print money to financial institutions and corporations doing business loan losses.
  • Needless transactions through intermediary channels: Reduce costs of banks and financial intermediary channels.
  • Bitcoin is not easy to make out, but can be "exploited" by the mine Bitcoin - important characteristics of gold.
  • Currencies can be subdivided to almost limitless levels, enables accurate billing is easy.
  • Less dangerous for the stores that accept Bitcoin transactions than for transactions can not be reversed.
  • Environmental protection when not in paper, polymers or chemicals used gold mining.
  • Computer system serving the Bitcoin transaction processor uses less power than the current financial system.