Best Website For Answer surveys to earn free Bitcoin - The #1 Blog on trading, personal investing! Best Tips for Beginners

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Best Website For Answer surveys to earn free Bitcoin

You’ve probably answered a survey or two in your lifetime, but did you know you could be getting paid for it?
Online surveys have been around for ages. For those who don’t know, these are questionnaires-of-sorts that can be completed over the internet.
Most of today’s online surveys are created as simple web forms, linked to a database that stores every answer. The answers are used to create infographics, provide analytics, or to identify market sentiment, brand awareness or conduct broad market research.
As an example, a business owner might conduct an online survey to determine whether a demographic of people would be interested in purchasing a new product or service, or to learn the market’s opinion about a certain subject.
Paid online surveys often work by rewarding people with vouchers, rebates or money when they answer a series of questions.
Bitcoin surveys on the other hand are still fairly new to the market, yet they’re mostly similar to the traditional ones — the only difference being that free Bitcoin is given out as an incentive instead of coupons.
By repetitively answering Bitcoin-based online surveys, you can earn small amounts of the digital currency.