News Trading Tactic Part 2
I still remember the few beginning months of trading; I must have spent over 16 hours a day, 5 days a week, doing an average of 24 trades per day. It was more exciting than profitable, as I quickly went through my live accounts one by one, margining them out and re-funding them, falling in this vicious cycle that many beginner traders seem to find themselves eventually in, unable to get away…
Then, it must’ve been the fourth or fifth time that I re-funded my account, I began to lose faith in my trading methods; I started to question whether or not these strategies were even supposed to work? I went to my mentor, and despite of spending even more time and energy in learning and re-learning the same methods, I realized that everything I have learned up to this point is completely, for lack of a better word, ambiguous. What I have learned was practically based on discretion, (which was designed like that on purpose,) so that anyone who teaches it could interpret either or both ways. In other words, there is no wrong answer…
When I say half-truth, I don’t mean it as a lie. Forex trading is such a difficult art (not science) to master, one can never say definitively without a doubt that this is it or that is that. Forex Market is actually made up of many parts and the sums of all of its parts are greater than the whole, as illustrated in the diagram below:
You see in this diagram, Technical trading has its place in Forex Trading. But it is just preposterous to assume that was all there is to trading. In order to trade Forex successfully, you need to learn Technical, Fundamentals, Order Flow and Supply & Demand, and of course, Market Sentiment.
Now, let’s go back to the beginning and try to answer these questions, although they may seem basic, they are keys to successful Forex trading…
1. Why does the Forex Market move?
2. How does the Forex Market move?
3. When does the Forex Market move?
Let’s try to answer each question individually in the next chapters. Although they might not be related directly with Fundamental trading, but without having proper understanding of the big picture, fundamental trading would just be another piece of the puzzle that we can’t put together.
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