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Experience chose Forex trading platform

Choosing Forex trading experience
the quality

To start trading on the real money account, investors need to open accounts at a Live account Forex Broker, there are now too many inviting floor should most Trader pause does not know should choose the floor to long-term deals, the topic today I will share the experience, the criteria for selecting a reputable Broker conditions, trading on MetaTrader 4.

The first thing to note is that in the regular floor promotions Promotion Bonus
Like many bonus: extra% when recharging your account for the first time. For example: Deposit into your trading account Real account is $ 1,000 is donated by 30% ($ 300), of course enclosed conditions minimum transaction volume or time to be withdrawing the bonus Bonus.

The Trader should remember about this Bonus is considered to "leverage" your capital help levees stronger than, instead of the $ 1,000 account with each command can trade from 0.01-0.05 lot now TK $ 1,300 can "beat" the bigger, the chance of collecting higher profit and the Word always comes the risk of large losses than if no knowledge market analysis. On the other hand, not least Trader run by the money Bonus, try to trade for every successive volume-enough out in order to eligible to withdraw and this leads to higher risk when trade type of scalping.

1. Choose trading floors have good liquidity
Liquidity (Liquidity) is the top criteria when choosing a quality trading, in fact you will be very upset when unable to place orders or get rid of the transaction, the system for report Re-quote should can not exit, on time have important news feedback phenomena frequently reviews like this. Idly by? The floor Broker Dealing Desk form is not just "eat" the difference Spread but also one about the difference in retail prices. For the small retail Broker, they don't have many source rates and the number of internal Client customer less so when the price of running fast then the broker will risk if they match all command. Thus, the Trader should just choose the Broker as Exness, FBSetoro,Forex.uk ,Xm...

2. Select the transparent floor on your trading account and cash-Loaded
Loading time/cash out quickly, recharge on the international floor usually take the form of Loaded immediately by Visa Debit or Mastercard card, when to retire then return used to Deposit, transfer time on the card usually from 3-5 days for the Wire Transfer more quickly, only 2 days. If Monday night to send the command, then Withdraw the 5th morning received (for floor Exness is such). Recent publicity about forex scam floor are closed following this incident, see the risk of trade at the FSA members not belonging to the floor or the governing body of Forex broker in the country.

3. The floor that supports Mini account or Micro & Support quickly
Choose floor type Mini account or Mico to more favorable start, less pressure. My first transaction at Exness, Min Volume is 0.1 should be a horrible stress, fear of risk, derailed and then waves of burning this account, ... so just pick the floor allow the volume of trade is 0.01 lot.

Also note to transaction fee Bid/Ask spreads (call Spread), you should not trade in the floor have the Commission or Sread too high, Eurusd folder if your account 5 units, only from 1.4-1.8 pips, large fee will erode profits in the long run.

Support often through various forms: Email, Live chat, Ticket, Phone. Just pick the Broker that can Support fast immediately through Live chat to contact immediately after the crash.

Conclusion: should not pick the floor plan Bonus, just so the floor has 3 of the criteria listed in the article. Recommendations choose Exness floor or etoro,xm,avatrade,iqoption,octafx,fbs,accentforex,24 option
How to start Forex trading, investing at home and online ?

Step 1. Sign up e-money like Paypal, Neteller

Step 2. Choose a good forex broker to register your trading account suck as:

Step 3. Follow forex signals or learn forex trading

Step 4. Deposit e-money to your forex brokers

Step 5. Trading and investing with with knowledge, discipline, small risk.

Step 6. Take profit and withdraw your money via e-money.