Create your own forex currency pair watch-list
Screen shot of my market watch list:
2) Click on “market watch” within the “view” menu
3) You should see a screen appear with some or all of the currency pairs available, and probably gold and silver.
4) Now, right click anywhere in the “market watch” window, you should see a menu appear with various options.
5) This is where you can pick and choose which currency pairs you follow. You will need to first select a currency pair if you want to hide it, then right click and select “hide”, it will now disappear from your market view menu. (note; if you have an open trade you cannot hide the quote of the currency pair from the trade you are in)
6) To reverse this just lick “show all” and all the currency pairs will pop back up.
7) You can also just click on “symbols” and then go through and hide or show which ever currency pairs you want.
8) Once you get your watch list set go to “sets” and save it. You can save multiple watch lists if you want.
9) Hit F10 and a pop-up price menu of your currently opened watch list will appear. This is a handy little short cut that you can use to check the prices of all the instruments on your watch list very quickly so that you don’t have to have the watch list window open all the time.
IQ Option is an established binary options broker that specializes in offering services to Russian and European client
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